Example Resume
(Union Affiliation if any)
John Robert Powers Pleasanton
Ph#925-460-8205 email:info@jrppleasanton.com
DOB: (if you are under 13 y.o.)Height: ____ Weight___Hair Color:___Eye Color:_____
Experience: School plays, talent shows, pageants, singing, dancing and theatrical experience. If you have more experience then group them by category (i.e. THEATRE, FILM, TELEVISION, etc) If you have less experience then list them together. You should list as follows:
Play/Film/Show - Role - Director or Theatre
Les Miserables - Cosette SF - Theatre for the ARTS
Sandlot - Featured Extra - Adam Munroe (Director)
Training: Please list all classes you've taken or will be taking at John Robert Powers. List as follows:
Type of Class/Training - Instructor - Location of Training
TV Acting I - Justin Parucha or Bernice Johnson - JRP Pleasanton
Intro to Drama - Bev Smith - Pleasanton High School
Education: List your current school/grade level or if you've completed HS or college. Honor roll, presidents list and GPA, etc.
Special skills: Please list at least 10-15 skills.
For example: Gymnastics, Soccer, Ballet, Snow skiing, Singing (Soprano), Smiling
***Note Please attach your resume to the back of an 8×10 headshot (trim it to fit, staple or glue) or a 5X7 Comp Card, to your resume to give to each agent!
****Note: If you have no experience at all then start with TRAINING section.
*****Note: You can find many other good examples of Entertainment Resumes online. Just search ACTING RESUME EXAMPLES
All Headshots are to be 8'' X 10''
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